Inggrid Diani Prihastari
Bikin Speaker Pintar untuk Mobil? -
Perusahaan layanan streaming musik asal Swedia, Spotify, sedang bersiap melebarkan
sayap ke bisnis perangkat keras (hardware).
adalah sebuah iklan pop-up tentang produk speaker pintar yang tiba-tiba muncul
di layar ponsel sejumlah pengguna Spotify.
Sang speaker
pintar diduga tak lain merupakan hardware pertama dari Spotify, berupa
perangkat yang ditujukan untuk dipakai di mobil. Dalam gambar iklan, speaker
pintar ini terlihat bertengger di grill AC mobil, layaknya holder ponsel.
bundar, dengan highlight LED berwarna hijau khas Spotify di pinggirannya. Di
sisi depan tampak ada sebuah layar digital, lalu ada juga tombol fisik
untuk shuffle dan play/ pause.
Tulisan “Hey
Spotify, play my discover weekly” mengesankan bahwa sang speaker bisa
menanggapi perintah suara, ala speaker Google Home atau Amazon Echo.
Bersama dengan
gambar speaker, iklan turut menampilkan harga yang dipatok sebesar 12,99 dollar
AS per bulan. Pelanggan bakal mendapatkan akun premium berikut sang speaker
pintar Spotify.
sebagaimana dirangkum KompasTekno dari Phone Arena, Senin (9/4/2018), pengguna
Spotify lain melaporkan melihat harga 14,99 dollar AS per bulan. Jadi,
kemugkinan soal harga ini masih belum difinalisasi oleh Spotify.
Di luar gambar
dan harga, belum ada informasi lain yang diketahui tentang speaker pintar
Spotify. Pihak Spotify sendiri diketahui telah menyebar undangan untuk sebuah
acara bertanggal 24 April mendatang.
Bisa jadi
Spotify bakal meresmikan kehadiran speaker pintarnya dalam acara tersebut.
Sumber :
Google translate:
Spotify Make
Smart Speakers for Cars? - Swedish music streaming service company,
Spotify, is preparing to expand into the hardware business (hardware).
The indication is a pop-up advertisement about a smart
speaker product that suddenly appears on the phone screen of a number of
Spotify users.
The smart speaker allegedly none other than the first
hardware from Spotify, a device intended for use in cars. In the image ads,
this smart speaker looks perched on the grill of the car air conditioner, like
a mobile holder.
The shape is round, with a highlight of a green LED
Spotify on the edge of its color. On the front side there is a digital screen,
and there are also physical buttons for shuffle and play / pause.
The words "Hey Spotify, play my discover
weekly" suggest that the speakers can respond to voice commands, ala
Google Home speakers or Amazon Echo.
Together with the speakers, the ad also displays a set
price of 12.99 US dollars per month. Customers will get a premium account
following Spotify smart speakers.
However, as summarized KompasTekno from Phone Arena,
Monday (9/4/2018), other Spotify users reported seeing the price of 14.99 US
dollars per month. So, the probability of this price still has not been
finalized by Spotify.
Outside pictures and prices, no other information is
known about Spotify smart speakers. Spotify party itself is known to have
spread the invitation to an event dated 24 April.
Could be Spotify will inaugurate the presence of smart
speakers in the event.
Source :
My translation:
Spotify Make
Smart Speaker for Cars? – Swedish streaming music service company, Spotify, is preparing to expand into
the hardware bussiness.
That is indicate by a
pop-up advertisement about smart speaker product which suddenly appears in the
smart phone screen of some Spotify users.
The smart speaker as supposedly
as the first hardware from Spotify, device for use in the car. In the
advertisement, this smart speaker looks stick in car’s grill AC, seems like
phone holder.
The shape is round, with
green highlight LED Spotify's typical on the edges. On the front side there is
a digital screen, and also physical button to shuffle and play/pause.
The words “Hey Spotify,
play my discover weekly” impress that the speaker could respon to
voice command, like Google Home speaker or Amazon Echo.
Get along with the speaker, the advertisment set the price $12.99 US/month. Customer will
get premium account following by the Spotify smart speaker.
However, as sumarized by
KompasTekno from Phone Arena, Monday (9/4/2018), other Spotify users reported that
the price is $14.99 US/month. So, the price possibility still has not finalized by Spotify.
Outside the picture and
the price, there is no more information that known about Spotify smart speaker.
Spotify itself has already known to have spread invitation for an event on 24
It can be Spotify will inagurate
the presence of its smart speaker in the event.
Source :
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